We are committed to giving our customers an authentic China experience not just something staged for tourists. Read feedback written by our customers about their experiences in China after they have returned home. These include the ratings and comments on attractions, guides, activities, hotels and food. Would you like to look at the tours that 1340 previous customer have recommended?

The trip was wonderful. The service was very good, with attention paid to detail. Thanks for your arrangement.

Tour guides who were proficient in English and knowledgeable about the sites; flexible travel itinerary covering what we wanted to do and lastly, a tour planner that could handle any contingency that came up.

Hallo, mein Name ist Alois, das ist meine Frau Youngsil, wir kommen aus Deutschland und sind jetzt erstmal als tourische Gruppe nach china. Ich war vor 14 Jahren aus gesch?ftlichem Grund nach Peking und Shaoxing.
Wir sind für 4 Wochen hier und wir haben unsere Reise selbst geplant. Das heisst die Flüge selbst gebucht und auch die Flüge innerhalb Chinas. Wir haben erstmal mit China Highlights in Kontakt getreten als wir eine Yangtse Kreuzfahrt geplant haben, und, wir sind sehr schnell auf die Seite gestossen von China Highlights, und hat sehr gut gefallen, dass die Informationen sehr übersichtlich kammen, und die Anfrage sehr schnell beantwortet wurde. Auch die Informationen über die Zugreise sind sehr gut gewesen.
Wenn man über die www.google.de versucht die Information zu bekommen, und dann erscheint über die Zugreise eigentlich nur China Highlights. Und ich kann ganz pers?nlich Bedanken bei Unterstützung von Candy Wei.
Wir sind erstmal richtig in einem Büro, wir wollen eigentlich nur die Bestellung von der Flussfahrt haben. Allerdings brauchen wir eine Zugverbindung und wir konnten kein Ticket bekommen. Nach der Yangtse Kreuzfahrt haben wir sofort die Tickets bekommen.
Eines m?chte ich noch sagen, es wird sicherheit nicht unsere letzte China Reise sein, es gibt sehr viele sch?ne Pl?tze zu sehen und sehr viel leichter zu reise als wir gedachten.
Und vor allem wird einfach wenn man einen Partner wie China Highlights. Wir gehen gerne die Empfehlung weiter und bedanken uns sehr herzlich, viele Unterstützung von Candy und China Highlights. Viel Spass bei der Reise.

You have been so very patient and helpful even though we made so many changes and requests. Your ideas and suggestions were all correct and we very much appreciate your honesty and insight.

I want to let you know how wonderful Grace Wang has been in planning my trip to China. I wish that everyone I encountered was as professional, helpful, and competent as she is.

I just want you know that we had a wonderful cruise, In our four Yangtze River cruise, Lesser Three Gorges and White Emperor City are the most memorable attractions, I believe. All the activities, the Captain's Welcome Cocktail Party, Tai Chi Lesson, etc are very good. We like them very much but our kids especially liked the fashion show and the Talent Show.Service on board was especially good.The whole crew seened si eager ti serve abd worked very hard. We especially appreciated KS, Victor, Kitty and Vivian, and will be glad to recommend you to my friends

I would also like to point out that we had some excellent tour guides. Two of these guides, Jeff in Beijing and Jenny in Guilin were two of the best guides we have ever had in the over 30 countries that we have visited! Both Jeff and Jenny went above and beyond what is required of guides and my wife and I consider them to be more like friends than guides.

I am very pleased about the personal contact via mail with you from China Highlight. You were very professional and informative and solved every obsticle that came up for us. It's great that you called when you couldn't reach me by e-mail.

I am writing to let you know how much we enjoyed our trip to Beijing, Shanghai, and Xian, and how much we enjoyed all the travel arrangements you made for us. The trip went very smoothly thanks to your careful planning and I have already recommended China Highlights to several of our friends.

We thank China Highlights for the wonderful arrangements, accommodations and great city guides in Beijing, Xian and Shanghai. More power to you.